Thursday 28 October 2010

St mellion Photoshoot.

Today I got up extra early to go to a well known golf course called st mellion. I took my medium format camera and my nikon D60.
I had looked at other images of this place and was really interested in the surroundings.
I arrived there at 7:20 just as the sun was coming up and got straight to it, I was using ilford FP4 film as I have been told it is a rather nice film for landscape work.

I had spare film with me just incase I needed it but it semt like the weather wasnt on my side.
It was cloudy and from time to time it rained, i wanted to capture the winter morning look in my images and it seemed to be abit of a challenge. I just cant wait to process the film to see how it turned out.
It is my first time taking medium format out on location so it is abit or trail and error. but if it doesnt work i can always pop back and retake.
I really enjoyed the experiance 

Tuesday 19 October 2010


Recently attended a induction on the large format camera.
I found the camera to be quite complicated to look a, as it had so many things you could move.
I had seen these types of cameras before and the results are outstanding.
We learnt how to assemble the camera and hold to focus, i personally feel i will need to book the camera out and experiment with it myself  to get a better understanding of everything.

Thursday 14 October 2010

well, here goes....

this is my new blog, as a professional photographer.
heres a link to some of my work:

my work.