Thursday 29 September 2011

The man who wasn't there.

Set in a sleepy Northern California town in the 1940s, Joel Coen and Ethan Coen's The Man Who Wasn't There stars Billy Bob Thornton as Ed Crane, a humble barber who suspects his hard-hearted and hard-drinking wife Doris (Frances McDormand) of having an affair with her boss (James Gandolfini). When a jocular stranger (Jon Polito) breezes into town hinting at the fortune to be made investing in an outlandish-sounding new invention called dry cleaning, Ed hatches a blackmail scheme he hopes will make him rich and get him some revenge at the same time. 

This film really interested me both story wise and how the film was shot. The harsh black and white theme really helps with recreating ideas. I can see this being a Medium format film. and harsh lighting. something i really like to experiment with and have done in previous projects. The period of the film is also something different to work with and i think it would really challenge myself and interest me. 

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