Tuesday 27 March 2012

Wedding 2

Client: Steve and Wayne (civil ceremony)

Venue: Registry office on the hoe.

What we discussed in meetings:
They didn't want anything fancy and they also didn't want me to be at the reception just the Registry office as there weren't going to be many people. For me this just shows how weddings can be so different but with the same underlining structure.  discussed how they would like me to give them the images and they were happy with just a disc of the images. A price of £100 for the time i was going to be there. I didn't want to charge to much as i wasn't going to be there the whole day. 
Also they had already a list of the images they wanted and who would be in them.

On the day: 
So i arrived at the Registry office at the agreed time. Waited for them to arrive and after they did i took a few image outside the venue of the couple together and before everyone entered.

Again as it was a different registrar and i just wanted to check whether i could take images. i was allowed but had to be discreet. 

images throughout the wedding and then the group shots. 
after the group shots were over i had the CD of images to them within 2 weeks. 

A learning curve of this wedding, as it was done through a family friends work place. I could no longer get in touch with them as they had then moved work place. at the time i hadn't got them to sign a model release form because they had told me they didn't want me to use them for advertising purposes. 
If i were to do it again i would change a few things and get them to sign a model release form stating that they didn't want them to be used for advertising purposes. I didn't know how important they were to the process and always get contact details. 

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